Ref.No. IVL002/03/2013

22 March 2013

The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Subject: To upload the Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No.
1/2013 on the Company's Website

With reference to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2013 of
Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited to be held on Monday, 29 April 2013, at
02.00 pm. at Athenee Crystal Hall, Plaza Athenee Bangkok A Royal Meridien
Hotel, the Company would like to inform that in order to facilitate the
distribution of information to assist shareholders in their consideration of the
various items on the agenda, the Company would like to inform that it is
uploading the Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2013 on the
company's website at from 22 March 2013.

Please be informed accordingly

Yours faithfully,

(Mr. Souvik Roy Chowdhury)
Company Secretary
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of the information and related documents of listed company or issuer to the
Stock Exchange of Thailand only. The Stock Exchange of Thailand has no
responsibility for the correctness and completeness of any statements, figures,
reports or opinions contained in this announcement, and has no liability for any
losses and damages in any cases. In case you have any inquiries or
clarification regarding this announcement, please directly contact listed
company or issuer who made this announcement.
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