CSR Activities
Zero Waste to Landfill Program completed by IVL in Thailand

Indorama Polyester Industries (Nakhon Pathom), one of IVL’s facilities in Thailand, successfully completed the Zero Waste to Landfill Program, which has been implemented for a year from the proposal stage to the verification stage.
Conducted by the dedicated taskforce of 12–15 employees and the site’s management, the Zero Waste to Landfill Program led to significant proactive management of byproducts and wastes. That has been a primary means of reducing environmental impacts.
Eliminating and/or minimizing waste being placed into landfills serves the goals of an organization with a 99% diversion from landfills. The "Zero Waste" philosophy can be effectively implemented and verified. In addition, it will help reduce GHG emissions remarkably, with an annual reduction of CO2 emissions of about 5,000 tons.
As part of IVL, the site recognizes the need to improve environmental performance to "do the right thing" as good environmental stewards and to meet the increasing demands of customers and the public.