Indorama Ventures is honoured to be a part of Upcycling for Life, a royal project initiated by Her Royal Highness Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya under Princess Sirivannavari’s Thai Coral Reef and Marine Life Conservation Foundation together with the Pollution Control Department, Thailand’s top-ranking universities and other members of the private sector.

This project is committed to promoting coastal habitat conservation and restoring for sustainable management of coastal and marine ecosystems in Thailand. The objectives of this program stress the Circular Economy by taking plastic waste from the ocean and transforming it into equipment or other materials that save and support aquatic life. The partnership between the government, the private sector, and educational institutions also aims to enhance the well-being of the local community and underprivileged people in the area.

The program derives from the long-term collaboration with our strategic and business partner, Thai Wacoal. This time, it has expanded from waste management on land to oceans.

A holistic approach led to connectivity and collaboration, leading to a more significant impact on the environment, illustrating good corporate citizenship and accountability.
